সংকল্প সহায়তার

সংকল্প সহায়তার

সকল অসহায়দের পাশে সহায়তার আহ্বান....

Do not be sad - everything will happen in the future

Logo! Bangla HadithEverything happens according to the order of the scribe and the decision has been made. The religion of the Muslims of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) Without God's permission, without His permission and without Divine plan, nothing happens in this world world.ما أصاب من مصيبة في الأرض ولا في أنفسكم إلا في كتاب من قبل أن نبرأها إن ذلك على الله يسير
"The mischief that is coming upon the earth and before you is recorded in the Book before I have done it, it is easy for Allah to do this." (57-Surah Al-Hadid: Ayat-22)

إنا كل شيء خلقناه بقدر
"Surely I make every thing according to its predecessor." (54) Surah al-Qamar: Verse-49
"And of course, I will test you with fear, hunger and loss of wealth, life and crops, and with many things, and (O Prophet Muhammad), give good news to the patient." The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said, "The work of the Believers is amazing! Surely all his works are good for him. Whenever he has a good fortune, he grows up, so it becomes more beneficial for him. And when he has any harm, he is patient, so that loss also becomes good for him. And it is not for anyone other than a believer. "
In a clear Hadith, the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said, "When you ask for something, you ask it to Allah, and when you ask for help, you seek help from Allah. And know that even if all the people are gathered to help you in any way, they will not be able to do it. But Allah can benefit as much as you wrote in your destiny. And if they are gathered to harm you, they will not be able to do it, but whatever destiny God has written in your destiny, they can do so. The pen has been lifted and the pages have been dried up (written in color). "The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:" And know that whatever came to you was not coming to you, and that which has not come to you. It was not coming to you. "In another authentic tradition, the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said," Try for the benefit of you, help you with Allah. , Do not be weak and do not speak to that, if I do such and such a situation would have been like. Rather, say that Allah has decided and He does whatever He wants. "In another very authentic tradition, the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said,
"It is good for Allah to judge for the servant." Shaykh al-Islam Allama Ibn Taymiyah was asked about sin, is it beneficial for someone? He said, "Yes, but on the condition that after shame, repentance, forgiveness, and mentally repentant must be repentant." Allah says:
"And it may be that whatever you dislike is good for you, and it may be that whatever you like is harmful to you and Allah knows and you do not know." (2-Surah Al-Baqarah: Ayat-16)

Book: La-Tahanian [Do not be frustrated] | Composition / translation / compilation Ayyad al-Karani

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