সংকল্প সহায়তার

সংকল্প সহায়তার

সকল অসহায়দের পাশে সহায়তার আহ্বান....

Fear of war!

যুদ্ধের আশঙ্কা!
Our current Prime Minister says he does not want war. But if he does not want that war, it will not be. We have an army of Bangladesh, because we can attack our border, we have built our army War horrible events But the world is still fighting. And it seems more war will be. I read in a sociology book that peace between the two wars was of peace. Bangladesh is not responsible for what is happening now in Arakan. The Myanmar army and the extremist therapeutist Buddhist nationalism

Rohingyas live in Arakan for a long time. They are not the people of Bangladesh recently. The Rohingya refugees who are coming to our country, most of them are women. And their children are coming with them. Their age is so small that they can easily guess when they are born in Arakan So according to international law, they were born in Arakan's citizens. But Myanmar is not seeking this general international law to honor it. They say, they are all people who are from Bangladesh. But the question arises, why is not Myanmar preventing so many people from going to that country? How many people from Bangladesh could suddenly go to Arakan?
In the 1930s, during the British rule in Arakan, it was seen that at that time, 36 percent of Arakan's total population was Muslim. Myanmar may seek war if we do not want to fight. Because, as we see the history of the people of Bangladesh, Myanmar does not see history as it does. They think, once the border of Myanmar was to Comilla. King Vodbapaya of Southern Barma or Myanmar conquered Arakan in 1785. Manipur won in 1813. The former won the Assam in 1816. Then he asked to leave the British Raj to the rights of Chittagong, Dhaka and Murshidabad. Perhaps the Myanmar army wants to follow King Bedabapaya. Myanmar is trying to woke up a violent moral Theravada Buddhism, which would be an emotional tool for the expansion of their great empire.
Our Prime Minister says he does not want war. But just a few weeks ago Indian Chief of the Army Staff Bipin Rao said that the fear of India's war with China and Pakistan is very real, it is very real. According to him, the settlement of Pakistan and China's dispute with India can not be done peacefully or through peaceful means. He said these things at an army seminar held in New Delhi. So his words should be taken seriously enough. North Korea's President Kim John says on the other hand, he will destroy the United States with a hydrogen bomb. In such a world situation, the idea that the war will not happen if Bangladesh does not want war, only the poet-the imagination. The geographical location of Bangladesh is that if any war in East Asia starts, its push may come to Bangladesh. So Bangladesh will have to prepare for war. But what are we doing? Our dispute has been created with Myanmar, India is playing a very suspicious role in it. It does not seem that China and Russia are talking about Bangladesh's side or are seeking solutions to the Rohingya problem.
The United States, Great Britain, France and Germany in some extent are supporting Bangladesh. That is, the situation is going to become like the colder era of the situation. But the Bangladesh side has taken the entire Muslim world to solve the Rohingya problem. Which is very rosy If Malaysia and Indonesia are on the side of Bangladesh, then Bangladesh can suppress Myanmar in addition to the support of any other state. Malaysian border is with Myanmar. If he is attacked from the south by Malaysian attack, it will not be easy for him to deal with the situation. Arakan is on the eastern side with high mountains and thick forests. There are several passports through this mountain range. But through these passports, the infantry, armored troopers, races and food are hard enough to come through. Arakan's contact with the mainland of Myanmar is still on the main sea. In 1942, Japan came from the south side of the sea to Barma. Later in 1943 Arakan came under the speedboat from Burma's mainland and captured Arakan. From 1943 to 1945, Arakan was under Japan. Britain won Arakan by sending troops on the land.

After conquering Arakan, they crossed through the passes of the Arakan mountain ranges and attacked the mainland of Japanese Burma. Bangladesh Army can take similar tactics if needed. Because there are no mountain ranges in Bangladesh Arakan. Infantry and armored forces can easily enter Arakan from Bangladesh. But the mainland of Myanmar has yet to bring troops, military propaganda to Arakan is still hard enough.
India's role in solving Rohingya problems is not acceptable at all. Because India does not say that Rohingyas will actually have to return Arakan citizens and their citizenship rights. Like many other states in the United Kingdom and the world. The main problem has arisen due to the illegal occupation of Rohingyas in Arakan. If they do not return their citizenship rights, then there will be no solution to the problem. The role of opportunists in keeping India in this regard. He will believe in big political mistakes. West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has already strongly criticized Narendra Modi for this reason. Current Arakan has no border with India. There is a border with Mizoram in the state of present-day Myanmar's Autonomous Province of China. Where there is no Rohingya.

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