সংকল্প সহায়তার

সংকল্প সহায়তার

সকল অসহায়দের পাশে সহায়তার আহ্বান....

All countries in the world except Qatar and China, in a queue to demand Rohingas return to Myanmar

All the countries of the world have come to Qatar for demanding Rohingyas to return to their land, hoping to flee Bangladesh due to torture from Myanmar. Only Russia-China rejects the issue.
Discussions began on Thursday at the local time of Bangladesh (September 28th) at the UN Security Council meeting at about 1pm on the Rohingya issue. In the discussion, members of the Security Council of Bangladesh praised Bangladesh's role in the Rohingya crisis.
All member states except Russia and China have agreed to withdraw the Rohingya refugees who fled to Bangladesh. The United Nations Secretary-General called on the international community to take immediate steps, but the meeting ended without a specific proposal. Even a joint statement was not even given. However, in the Rakhine crisis, the member states agreed to start the political dialogue.
The remaining members of the opposition have said that they will ensure quick access to violence, Rakhine relief, free access.
At the Security Council meeting on behalf of Myanmar, China and Russia gave 'Jamaibism' as the staple crisis of Rakhine by tune with Myanmar.
United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Gutierrez officially spoke at the beginning of the meeting. In the speech, he urged to end violence, stop army operations, and ensure free access to humanitarian aid in Rakhine. Along with the recommendation of the Commission, call on the registration of Rohingya citizenship to ensure citizenship. He also asked to fix the status of those who are unregistered. Later, the member countries addressed it in a meeting. They also demanded to ensure free access to Rakhine relief material immediately after the violence in Rakhine state immediately stopped violence. Apart from this, Myanmar also urged Myanmar to return Rohingyas fleeing to Bangladesh from Rakhine to their homeland.
Bangladesh: In Bangladesh, some recommendations were made to resolve the crisis on behalf of Bangladesh. These are: the implementation of the report of the Rakhine Commission jointly with violence and humanitarian assistance, Myanmar and the international community, sending back the Rohingyas who fled to Bangladesh, Myanmar-Bangladesh agreements of returning Rohingyas from Bangladesh, dignity, stability and protection for Rohingas in the presence of international community. Paid.
Myanmar, China and Russia: But in the continuation of the past, Myanmar kept the old position on the Rohingya issue. The United Nations representative of Myanmar presses all the responsibility of the crisis. Myanmar delegation rejected the allegations of crimes against humanity or ethnic cleansing, saying they are working to implement the recommendations of the Anan Commission. Myanmar's ally state China and Russia also played a similar role in the meeting. Like Myanmar, they have presented the Rakhine crisis as a multilateral conflict. They have identified the crisis as a conflict between different ethnic groups. In Bangladesh, they did not take any position to send Rohingya people back to Myanmar as a stream. Bangladesh-Myanmar has called for the crisis to be overcome by the dialogue, the two global powers.
Senegal: In a discussion, Senegal's delegation said, "Myanmar's Rakhine state has forced millions of Rohingya Muslims to flee to Bangladesh. Most of them are women and children. They have been subjected to extreme violence. The people and the government of Bangladesh have shown great pleasure by providing shelter to these populations. We condemn Myanmar's violence in this situation. Senegal urges the end of this humanitarian crisis as well. "Thanking the UN Secretary General and urging the end to the racket's vicious cycle, a humanitarian crisis has been created in the current situation. All international organizations, including the United Nations, have to take initiative to end this situation. Initiatives will be taken to send Rohingya refugees back to Myanmar. In this case, Myanmar's neighboring countries, especially ASEAN and OIC, will have an active role to play. The United Nations General Assembly has already discussed the crisis in Myanmar, the Security Council has discussed. OIC is working. However, in the report of the Anan Commission in Rohingya crisis, a number of proposals have been made for permanent solution to the crisis. These recommendations will be implemented. "To solve the Rohingya crisis, immediately stop all types of military operations in the Rakhine state, to provide relief to the affected areas, and to allow Rohingas to safely recover. In this case, the Myanmar government will work jointly with Bangladesh. Anan Commission's recommendation will be implemented.
Egypt: Egypt's representative said at the meeting, "Myanmar's Rohingya victims of the massacre. Almost five hundred thousand Rohingya neighbors have been forced to take shelter in Bangladesh. We believe that hatred, provocative speech or violence is not desirable on any side. The responsibility of the governments of each country to protect the people of their country. It is not acceptable to endanger the life of civilians on the pretext of violence of a violent group. We believe that the responsibility of the international community to resolve this crisis is to force Myanmar to take action to protect its civilian population. Under the recommendations of the Coffee Anan Commission, this problem will be solved. To ensure citizenship of Muslim Rohingyas'. We are ready to dialogue with Myanmar to resolve this crisis. Bangladesh has provided shelter to a large number of Rohingyas. We should give all kind support to the country at the time. "Ensuring the opportunity to return Rohingya to their areas and to cross the Rakhine victims

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