সংকল্প সহায়তার

সংকল্প সহায়তার

সকল অসহায়দের পাশে সহায়তার আহ্বান....

Rs. 60 crore allotment to repair of Behal city road in Rajshahi

In the city of Rajshahi, many small streets of 30 wards are now in violent state. Couponing of these roads has emerged because of a nocturnal problem. Many roads have become incompatible with the road movement. Not only the small streets of the ward. Many places of highway roads have been damaged.
Especially from the Rajshahi railway station to the town of Talaimari, the canals of the road are filled with dirt. The condition of the road is so bad that one of the two lanes has become incompatible with the movement of vehicles. The road to the general public has suffered severe sufferings. However, the Rajshahi City Corporation (Rasik) has informed that the repair work on these roads will be started very soon.
Regarding the road from Rajshahi Railway Station to Talaimari, the Rasik Engineering Department has said that Rasik has been giving utmost importance to repair the road considering the suffering of the common people. However, due to rain, the road work could not be started. During this time, the rain will be damaged after the couponing. There will be no progress in the situation.
That's why the rainy season is waiting for the end of the season. Within a very short time, the work of this road will be commenced in the important.
Meanwhile, by the end of December, Rajshahi City Corporation (Rashik) has taken the initiative of all the roads in the city. The total cost of two packages will be 60 crore taka. In the meantime, the first package work in wards of 1 to 15 and 27 is tender of Tk 30 crore.
Rascal authorities said that the work of the road will be very soon.
Rasik authorities said that a project worth Tk 60 crore was taken up. Through the project, roads damaged in 30 wards will be repaired. Some drains will also be built in the wards. The work will be done in two packages by December. First, the wards of one to 15 and 27 will be finished. Then work will be done from 16 to 26 and 28 to 30 wards.
Rajshahi City Corporation Mayor Mosaddek Hossain Bulbul said that it has become necessary to repair the streets of the city. That's why this work has been given special importance. It started very fast. By the end of December, all the roads in the city of Rajshahi will be repaired. By December, the city can offer a beautiful road to travel.

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