সংকল্প সহায়তার

সংকল্প সহায়তার

সকল অসহায়দের পাশে সহায়তার আহ্বান....

Rasulullah (SM) about torture of Muslims Its predictions

Muslims of various countries in the world are oppressed and wretched in various ways by Buddhists, Hindus, Jews and Christian religions. Rohingya Muslims in Arakan in Myanmar by Buddhist terrorists, helpless Palestinian Muslims in Palestine by the Jewish terrorists, Kashmiri Muslims in Kashmir, Muslims by Hindu terrorists and Afghan Muslims of Afghanistan are being tortured by American Christian terrorists. Rasulullah sa. Fourteen hundred years ago the predecessors predicted the reason for the persecution of Muslims by the infidels. Today its prediction is being implemented in alphabetical order. A tradition from Sunan Abu Daud has been said, 'There will come a time for you, all the nations will call you against such people as they are called to the table of food! A man stood up and said, O Messenger of Allah! What will be the number of Muslims in that day? The Messenger of Allah said, No, that day you will not be few in number. Rather you will be much more on that day. But you will be like a dry straw on the surface of flood water. Allah will remove your fears from the hearts of your enemies. And pour out your heart. A man stood up and said, O Messenger of Allah! What is the thing? The Messenger of Allah said, "Love the worldly love and hate death." (Sunan Abu Daud: 4297)

In the hadith of the Prophet Mentioned two reasons for Muslims to be persecuted and disgraced. These two reasons are found in most Muslims of the present age. One is the love of the world, another is the fear of death. They are crazy in the love of the world, because they are busy in achieving worldly wealth and dignity, because of the extreme lack of obedience to Allah's commandments. And fear of death is not afraid to fight jihad against tyrannical polytheists.

If the believers do not neglect to do good deeds after believing in the world, then Allah has promised to give them caliphs, to establish Islam and to protect them from the persecution of the infidels. In this connection, Allah Ta'ala said, "Those who believe and do good deeds among you, Allah has promised them that they will rule over the world as they have been ruling the previous ones, and he will certainly strengthen their religion, which He has chosen for them. And instead of their fear, they will surely give them peace. They will serve me and will not associate anything with me. Then those who disbelieve, those who disbelieve, (Surah Nur: Verse 55)

And there is no way of protecting the helpless Muslims from the persecution of the disbelievers who do not fight jihad while ignoring the fear of death. Allah Ta'ala said about this, and what is the matter with you that they do not fight in the way of Allah, for the weak, men, women and children, who say, 'Our Lord! Leave us out of this town; Residents here, oppressors! And make us a protector for us, and make us a helper for you. (Sura Nisa: Verse 75) Oh sorry! Muslims are not willing to provide shelter to jihad for protecting Muslim Muslims. No Muslim state is coming forward strongly with the help of the oppressed. Even after the helpless Rohingya Muslims fleeing the fear of militant terrorists, many of them are seeking shelter in Muslim countries, many of them are being restored to the terrorists without shelter. As a result, the infidels dared to torture Muslims of different countries after one another.

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