সংকল্প সহায়তার

সংকল্প সহায়তার

সকল অসহায়দের পাশে সহায়তার আহ্বান....

Do not take the burden of the whole world on your neck

In some people, there was an uphill battle in the internal war, that war did not happen in war, but in the bedroom, in the office and at home, the war took place. This war caused their gastric ulcer or hybled pressure.

These people are frustrated in everything. If inflation happens, they become angry. When it was late, it became a fire, and when their money was lost, they became very angry. Whatever the cause, they are always unstable, anxious and annoyed.

يحسبون كل صيحة عليهم

"They think any cry is against them." (63-Surah Al-Munafiqun: Verse-4) My advice to you is that you will not take the burden of the whole world on your neck. Let the burden bear the burden of whatever happens. Some people's soul places all kinds of deceit, deceit, and misconceptions; As a result, he gets hurt even in the worst case scenario. It is a spirit that will destroy its rights.

The people who are good and honest, do not get upset over the crisis; Rather, the crisis helps them strengthen their conviction and faith. But the opposite is true for the weak people, it is true. When they fall prey to adversity and crisis, only their fears increase. There is nothing more beneficial for you than a brave soul during the disaster. The person who has such a soul has the conviction - he has strong faith and cool nerves (tranquill mind and cold head).

On the other hand, cowards and ghosts slaughtered themselves in the face of imminent dangers and predictions of a particular day. So, if you hope for a well-established life for you, then confuse all the conditions with courage and perseverance.

ولا يستخفنك الذين لا يوقنون

"And let those who are not firm beliefs not let you disturb." (30-Surah Ar-Raam: Verse-60)

ولا تك في ضيق مما يمكرون

"Do not be discouraged by their conspiracy." (16-Surah An-Nahl: Verse 127)

Become more convincing than your environment, and misery is more violent than air. May Allah bless the weak people. Because, how does that happen that they get disturbed by the slightest earthquake.

"And you will certainly see them more greedy than all human beings." (2-Surah Al-Baqarah: Verse-96)

Regarding strong convictions, they are supported by their Lord, and they are firmly convinced of their promise.

"He sent down tranquility upon them." (48-Surah Al-Fath: Verse-18)

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