সংকল্প সহায়তার

সংকল্প সহায়তার

সকল অসহায়দের পাশে সহায়তার আহ্বান....

Prophet's companions good luck

Our Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) came to all the people with the message of Paradise. He was not guided by worldly desires. He had no treasures to spend. There was no excellent palm garden for food; And there was no beautiful palace to live in. Despite all this, his beloved followers have pledged allegiance to him, have remained steadfast. Problems have endured a difficult life. They were scared of some poor and weak, afraid of being completely destroyed by their neighbors, but they loved the Prophet (peace be upon him) completely.

They were captured on the crossroads. And at that time they had little food or no food. Their reputation was attacked; Their own relatives fought against them, even though their love for the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was pure.

Some of them were dragged on the hot sand of the desert, some were captured and others became victims of new and strange strange punishments. These disbelievers gave them punishment. Even though they were forced to bear those punishments, they loved him wholeheartedly. They were deprived of houses, homeland, family and property. They were deported from their childhood playground and house. In spite of these sufferings, they loved him unambiguously.

Because of his (Prophethood) news, the believers were caught fire. Their ground floor trembles tremendously. Yet their love for him was increasingly growing.

The title of the spring season of their youth was suddenly hanging swords. Because they loved him unconditionally, he gently moved towards the battlefield (in the field of war) to death as if he were in love or on vacation.

A disciple has been given the responsibility of taking the news of the Prophethood to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) from a king abroad. But he knew that it was a work from which he would not come back. Another companion was sent to a job. He knew that this would be the cause of his death, yet he went happily to work. Because he loved the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) But why did they love him and why he was so pleased with his prophethood and was so happy with his ideology? Why have they forgotten the tragedy and sufferings that followed her? In simple words or simply because it means that he has acquired the highest peak of benevolence and righteousness. They saw all signs of truth and purity among them. Those who have found great things cooled down the jealousy, hatred and bitterness of human mind. He calmed their hearts with true words, and with His message, He filled their hearts with peace.

He poured so much peace into their hearts that they despised the pain they suffered for being beside him. He put faith or belief in their hearts that they had forgotten the hurt and adverse conditions that they were forced to endure. He made them glittering through the light of guidance, and illuminated their eyes in their light or illuminated their light. He had rid himself of the burden of ignorance, the deformed idol of idol worship and the evils of polytheism. He has extinguished the fire of enmity from their hearts and poured out the faith of their hearts. Thus their bodies became calm and their soul was restored.

They realized the taste of life with the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم and they felt ashamed or excited about his companions.

They got security, release and self-enrichment following her happiness and follow her. Allah says,

"And I have sent you (O Muhammad!) To the world for mercy or mercy." (21-Surah Al-Anbiya: Verse -107)

"And of course you (mankind) are showing the right path." (42-Surah Ash-Shura: Ayat-52)

"And he (the author has told Muhammad to say it), but in the verse of the Qur'an it is clearly understood by Allah that Allah alone can be understood." : Verses -16)

"He purifies an Apostle from among the illiterate people (from unbelief and polytheism), and teaches them the Book and wisdom, and they were previously in clear error. (62-Surah Al-Jumuah: Verse-2)

"He has removed the burden and chain upon them." (Surah Al-A'raf: Verse-157).

"When he invites you to something that springs to your life, then respond to Allah and the Messenger." (8-Surat Anfal: Ayat-24)

They were really happy with their leader and they were truly worthy of being happy.

Hey Allah! To disguise the demons, give grace and peace to the redeemer of the soul from the curse of souls and the curse of falsehood, and be pleased with their great companions as a reward for their struggle and efforts.

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