সংকল্প সহায়তার

সংকল্প সহায়তার

সকল অসহায়দের পাশে সহায়তার আহ্বান....

Do not get depressed - remove anxiety

Laziness is destructive and those who suffer from anxiety and anxiety, most of them are lazy and unprofitable. Those rumored rumors and stories from their meaningful and successful work are their only capital.

Engage yourself in any work and try hard to do it. Read, recite and glorify your Lord. Write, visit friends and use your time. In short, do not waste laziness in a minute. The anxiety and anxiety of every day of your life (the day you are spending) will be seen. Prejudice and whispering into your heart will allow you to become a satanic playground.

Do not grieve about a person who has benefited you some time but he forgets or denies the benefit; Because, you should have a desire only for the reward of Allah. During the period, Saleh should be pure and devoted only for the sake of Allah, and do not expect anyone to salute or thank you. If you do any good to someone and he is ungrateful without evaluating it, then do not get hurt. Your reward is to Allah. The Almighty says about his righteous servants -

"They desire Allah's favor and satisfaction." (59-Surah Al-Hashr: Verse-8)

"Say:" I do not ask you for any reward or reward for this. "(Surah Al-Furqan: Ayat-57, 34: 47, 38: 86).

إنما نطعمكم لوجه الله لا نريد منكم جزاء ولا شكورا

"We should eat only for the sake of Allah's satisfaction; We do not expect any rewards or thanks from you. "(76 - Surah Ad-Dahr or Insaan: Verse-9)

Therefore, do your transactions only with Allah. Since he is the reward of the whole work of the time of Saleh, he rewarded those who do good deeds and reward them with good pleasure, and he punishes those who are offended by those who commit sins or do evil deeds.

When the martyrs were killed in Kandahar, then Umar (R) asked his companions, "Who was killed?" They gave him some names and then said: "And some people you do not know." Omar's eyes were crying in tears He said, "But Allah knows them." (That is, we do not recognize those whom Allah will reward, but Allah knows them well.)

A religious man feeding a blind person the best and most beautiful food. His wife said, "The blind man does not know what he is eating (so let him eat some bad things)" He replied. "But Allah knows."

Because Allah knows your work (that is what you do), know that you do good deeds and help others (he) knows, that's why people are uninhabited, anxious and calm about what they think.

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