সংকল্প সহায়তার

সংকল্প সহায়তার

সকল অসহায়দের পাশে সহায়তার আহ্বান....

Do not be frustrated Remain anxiety-think a little

Remove anxiety-think little, do not be sad, because the decision has been made on the basis of it and it will happen even if you do not like it. The pen ink has dried, the paper has been rolled back and everything has been firmly established. So your sadness can not change reality.
Do not be sad, because you want to interrupt the time with your depression, want to stop the sun at its place, want to keep the watch clockwise, walk backwards, and flip the river towards its source, which is all that is impossible. (That is, because of your depression, such changes can not be possible, so your fate may not be changed; So there is no gain in the depression - this is what the author wants to mean here: - Bengalan)
Do not be depressed, because depression scares the waves like a cyclone. Destroy the environment or change the atmosphere and destroy the boiling flowers of the rich garden.

Do not be depressed, because the depressed person is like him, or he poured water on the sloping bucket. The writer who wants to write water in his finger with his finger (ie sad person) like him

Do not be sad, because the real life time is measured by the number of days-the day you are spending. So do not end your days sadly. Do not waste your night sorrow and do not waste your time. Because, verily, Allah does not love those who waste.
Do not worry, because your Lord really forgives sins and accepts repentance (ie forgives sins and accepts repentance).
"Say:" O my slaves, who have sinned against themselves! Do not despair of God's mercy. Surely Allah will forgive all sins. Surely, He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. "(Surah Az-Zumar: Ayat-53).

Does your soul not find peace when you read this verse? Your anxiety and anxiety is not overcome? And does not your happiness flow through your whole being?
To accept their souls to drink, he said to them, "O my slaves!" Called to say He specifically mentioned the transgressors, because they are more accustomed to sin than others. How much more will Allah's mercy be to others! Thus he forbade them from being frustrated and hoped for forgiveness. And he told them that he would forgive those who repent, his sins, small or great, all sins.
والذين إذا فعلوا فاحشة أو ظلموا أنفسهم ذكروا الله فاستغفروا لذنوبهم ومن يغفر الذنوب إلا الله
"And whoever commits any indecency or wrongs themselves, then only he remembers Allah and asks Allah for forgiveness for their sins and knowingly they do not do (sins), knowingly (Allah will forgive them). Who else can forgive sins except Allah? "(3-Surah Al-Imran: Ayat 135)

"And whoever does evil or oppresses himself, then if he seeks forgiveness or forgiveness with Allah, he will find Allah as the Most Forgiving, the Most Merciful." (4-Surah An-Nisaah: Ayat -110)
"If you avoid any of the great sins that have been forbidden to you, I will forgive you for your sins and enter you into a glorious place in Paradise." (4-Surah Nisa: Verse-31)
"And if they come to you unjustly for themselves and seek forgiveness of sins from Allah, and even if the Messenger wants forgiveness for them, they will find Allah as the Most Forgiving, the Most Merciful" (4-Surah An-Nisa: Verse-64)
"And whoever repents, believes, and salsah, then I will forgive the person who follows the guidance." (20-Sura Taqaah: Ayat-82)
But do not you enjoy reading these (the five of the above) revelations?
When Moses (Awwal) had killed a person (mistakenly, despite reluctance), he said:
My lord! I have wronged me, so forgive me. Then he forgave him. "(28 Surah Al-Kaashah: Ayat-15)
When David (peace be upon him) regrets, Allah says:
"Then I forgave her that mistake, and there is nearness to me and a good outcome for her." (38-Surah Sha'ad: Ayat-25)
How excellent and merciful God is! Even if those who believe in Trinity, even if they repent, he has also offered them mercy and forgiveness. "They are unbelievers who say that Allah is the third (one) of three; There is no god except Allah. If they refrain from what they say, then those who disbelieved among them will surely be subjected to a painful punishment. What, then, do they repent to Allah and do not repent? Allah is very forgiving and merciful. "(5-Surah Maayeda: Verse 73-74) In a very authentic (Sahih) Hadith, the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said," Allah says, "O son of Adam! When you pray to me and hope for me, I will forgive you according to your hope, sincerity and belief, and I will not remember anything in this (or I will not care for anyone); O children of Adam! If your sin is equal to the peak of the sky, then you ask forgiveness from me, then I will forgive you. And I do not mind anything (or I will not care about it). O children of the children of Adam. If you do not associate anything with me, the earth

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