সংকল্প সহায়তার

সংকল্প সহায়তার

সকল অসহায়দের পাশে সহায়তার আহ্বান....

Myanmar is almost ready to be used against Bangladesh's interests

Myanmar is almost ready to be used against the interest of Bangladesh in the fight between the Indian Ocean and the naval supremacy of the Bay of Bengal. In this case, who is involved in issues related to energy and strategic power balance, whose interests and interests are related to our immediate attention.It is important for Bangladesh to read the various aspects of Myanmar-China relations in that constituency.
It is impossible to determine our security and the direction of foreign policy if we can not predict what kind of situation can arise if there is a change in relationship or new condition. Because on the issue of Myanmar we are now much more vulnerable than ever before.
Many are confronting the balance of defense and foreign policy and the centers of gravity. Straining real positive relationships and not keeping an eye on the new elements that may be involved in the process of polarization. Troubleshooting every aspect through oversight and gestation formula is a tremendous trend in our political analysis.
From there, it is necessary to identify their own dangers with information-data-based analysis, and the emergence of conflict between competition and conflict arising from conflict.
At the same time, it will also have to work to determine the favorable foreign policy of possible allied search and security balance, within the real situation. In addition to diplomacy, the most important thing is with the people, preparing for the protection of the people's awareness of the whole situation.
Myanmar and China address each other as "Sahdor", which can be assumed to be closely related to their relationship. And historically China is the most important neighbor because of Myanmar's 1348 miles border with China. However, after the military government came to power in the country, this relationship dramatically changed.
After the military government came to power, the United States, European Union, Japan and other multilateral donors withdrew their development cooperation and even some Western countries imposed economic sanctions. As a result, Myanmar was forced to adopt a pro-China policy for its survival.
Myanmar's relations with China were of two lines, bilateral relations with the Communist Party of China and the Communist Party of Burma. Myanmar's bilateral relations deteriorated with China due to the support of the Communists after the Chinese Revolution, but in the year 1985, China abandoned its policy of giving assistance to the communists of Myanmar and in 1988 one year after the Burmese army took over, the Burmese Communist Party was divided into an internal conflict. In this opportunity, the military government is able to reach an understanding with the communist groups on the border.
Communists also take the principle of co-operation in exchange for cooperation in the development of roads, establishment of power stations, establishment of schools, hospitals, commercial facilitation and border trade. And soon after leaving the station, he visited China in October 1989 and established the foundation for the current relationship.
Since then, it has largely adopted ambitious plans of modernization and expansion of Myanmar forces by abandoning the principle of neutralization of arms without the import of arms and by having China's arms. At the same time, they were able to assure economic and strategic support from China. As a result, within a short time, non-alignment of Myanmar became the closest friend of China.
Even the alleged civilian government, led by Aung San Suu Kyi, is fully dependent on China for its survival. Because the army is shaking all the kalakhati behind the scenes. For this reason many people again say that Myanmar has become a client-state of China.
China engages in its economic assistance and commercial activities in three areas of Myanmar - infrastructure development, assistance to state-owned economic enterprises and energy sector.
Of the assistance that China provides for the development of Myanmar infrastructure, the Ayeyawaddy Transportation Project is very important. This project includes development of communication system from Yunnun of China to Thilwa Port in Yangon, Myanmar. Under this, the dredging of the river paths up to Bhoma, construction of a container port in Bhamo and from there to the construction of the road to China's border ports Muze or Liul. Its main aim is to connect with the Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea directly through Myanmar, which will save the time and time of transportation of the Chinese trade with South Asia, the Middle East and Europe, and the conflict of Malacca system can be avoided. In addition, the Bay of Bengal can be easily accessible in the Indian Ocean region.
This project is extremely important for understanding the strategic position and importance of Myanmar's sea boundary problem with China. If any conflict arises in the sea, then what kind of steps can China take on the counter-indigenous India-US navy rally, and we can also guess from trying to establish this strategic military balance of China.
China is currently the main supplier of Myanmar's consumer goods, raw materials and machinery equipment, and China is also a big export market for Myanmar. Myanmar exports its timber, agricultural products, minerals, and recent oil and gas products to China. As a result, it is impossible to meet the needs of Myanmar's consumer goods without import from China and on the other hand, if there is not enough export in China, there will be a shortage of adequate foreign currency.
In addition, China offers a huge amount of economic support and investment on the basis of Myanmar's infrastructure, state-owned economic enterprises and oil and gas extraction. Even without the help of China, the Myanmar government could not implement the plan to set up its factory at huge rates, such as establishing textile mills and sugar farms. Though China's foreign investment is not very high, recent investment in oil and gas sectors is visible and Chinese enterprises will soon emerge as the main controlling force of Myanmar's fast-growing sector. As a result, it can be assured that Myanmar's economic development is deeply dependent on its economic relations with China.
However, this imbalanced trade with China has failed to make a fundamental contribution to Myanmar's massive economic initiative and industrial development. In China, 70 percent of Myanmar's export product is wood. The fundamental difference between wood and other major exports is that if the other commodities like beans, pulses and garments are exported, land and labor resources of the country can be utilized, but timber exports can only be limited to limited natural resources.
No doubt China's financial support and commercial credit supply is helping the current regime controlled by the regime, yet it is also creating a problem considering the entire economy of Myanmar. Myanmar will come out of the place to see it. Or even if they want to get out of that place, there can also be a question.
On the whole, it is also a matter of whether a strong economic relationship with China is not enough for Myanmar's current economic powers to be allowed to survive in Western sanctions as much as the means of survival, but the significant economic development of Myanmar's massive economic development.

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