সংকল্প সহায়তার

সংকল্প সহায়তার

সকল অসহায়দের পাশে সহায়তার আহ্বান....

Rape Rohingya women: I said to the feet and I will not tell anyone to go to Bangladesh

Rohingyas are still in Bangladesh after fleeing violence in Myanmar.
The people who have survived the forest in the forest are now coming to know that the shelter candidates are men and women.

Though the start of the fearful terror is not initially now, the Rohingya men and women and children are coming in small groups.
Most of them have lost most of their family members. Some of themselves are victims of barbaric torture.

Bangladesh and Myanmar border areas in Teknaf, along with 20-year-old Asma Maungdaw, are on the island of Shahpiar.
Asma has entered Bangladesh in a group of fifteen people on Tuesday. We use his pseudonym for the sake of personal privacy.
Asma said that in Myanmar the soldiers killed her husband and brother and carried out brutal torture on her.

His statement: 10-12 soldiers used to rape me, what could not bear the pain, many girls died due to their oppression. Whenever I wanted to kill me, I showed them the children and hugged their feet and asked for life. I did not say to anyone, what has happened in Burma, will go to Bangladesh now.
Kakutai praying and giving two small children, without spending 15 days in the forest Asma Asma. With 12 year old younger brother and two children.

But four years before his entry into Bangladesh, his four-year-old son was killed on the way to the hospital. He said he had reached Bangladesh with a lot of trouble with his son and brother.
Walking on foot is swollen. We got help in the country and did not find it in my own country. People from other communities of Burma tell us that the country is not just them, not Muslims.

Rafka, another resident of Maungdaw, said that the weapons of the non-Muslim community were cut off by her husband's throat. After the rape of his brother's wife, the limbs were shot and killed.

He escaped with two children. Rafiqa said that many women from Rakhine were unable to come.
Every day, the arrests of the military, and the military girls have been tortured by the militants. Then the hands and feet, cut the chest, and cut off the chest. Rafiqar family took shelter in another village a year ago due to torture.
Rafiqa said that, before coming, they used to hide in the jungle during the day and would go home at night.

In Rafiqar's report, the level of oppression and violence had gone so much to the horrific phase that everyone in the village who had escaped.

Maghara always burns us. The house is attacked. Men are taken away. The girls are tortured, oppressed, and oppressed. My fate was shot dead. Mog Millionaire (Rape) Mog Military Before Rape Cut off the hands and feet.

After losing her husband, Rafka entered Dhaka for eight days with two children.
Torture in most Rohingya statements is similar.

Buddhist attack in Rakhine relief boat, petrol bomb throw

Local Buddhists attacked Myanmar's Rakhine relief boat on a boat.

The boat carrying the relief was going to Rakhine, which was in conflict. The Buddhists thought that relief aid was being sent to Rohingya Muslims. They threw petrol bombs in the relief boat.

Police fired blank bullets and detained some to disperse the agitated crowd. The ship was carrying plastic sheets, buckets and mosquitoes in the relief.

About 300 people surrounded the boat and many of them had Iron Rods.

Relief agencies say all those Rohingyas who have fled to Bangladesh to save their lives or those who are still in Rakhine - they all need relief help.

But sending relief for Rohingyas who are still in Myanmar's Rakhine region is not an easy job. As the government ban on the work of Rakhine relief organization, Buddhists also do not want to send relief for Rohingya Muslims.

Some people gather there when the International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC) relief camp was being held on Satyayat in Rakhine region on Wednesday night.

In the government, hundreds of chaos became aggressive and prevented the boat from taking relief. At the time 200 police came and dispersed them.

A secretary of Myanmar government told Reuters, "People thought that these help were being sent only for the Bengalis."

An ICRC spokesman said an incident happened there. But its bis

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