সংকল্প সহায়তার

সংকল্প সহায়তার

সকল অসহায়দের পাশে সহায়তার আহ্বান....

Do not be sad about the trivial thing

You will exhibit a quality that will bring happiness to you from the unhurried matter; Because, whose purpose is noble, he is only dwarfed with the hereafter.

One of our spiritual predecessors advised one of his brothers with the following words:

"Just be concerned about one thing - (that is) about meeting with Allah. Standing in front of him and concerning the Hereafter. "

"On that day you will be presented in the court of justice, and on that day no hidden thing will be hidden from you." (Surah An-Najee Al-Ayat-18)

Compared to the anxiety of the hereafter, all anxiety is eliminated. What are the anxieties, anxiety and anxieties of life? Those are the values, dignity, reputation, income, income, wealth, buildings and children. These are nothing compared when compared with accountability to Allah.

Allah's description of the warrior hypocrites in this way -

"Another group (about how others can save themselves from the thought of saving the Prophet and the Prophet) was in his thoughts and misconstrued about Allah, and they themselves were concerned about being a liar about Allah." (3-Surah Al-Imran : 154)

Their thoughts are only for their own sake - with their stomachs and their good chests; They do not know any higher intention.

When the Companions made a promise of allegiance under the tree near the Messenger of Allah (</s>), a hypocrite rushed quickly to his red camel which was lost. He said:

"Finding my camel is more dear to me than your wedding ceremony."

A hypocrite who was concerned about himself told about the campaign of Tabuk, do not go out in the summer campaign. Allah says,

قل نار جهنم أشد حرا

"Say:" It is more fierce than the heat of Hell. "(9-Surah Ta'ba: Verse -81)

Another hypocrite said:

ومنهم من يقول ائذن لي ولا تفتني ألا في الفتنة سقطوا وإن جهنم لمحيطة بالكافرين

And among them there are people who say, "Leave me (from fighting) and do not put me to difficult tests." Be careful! They are in fatena. Hell is surrounded by the disbelievers. "(9-Surah Ta'ba: Verse-49)

And Allah says:

"Verily, they are in the fire." (9-Surah Ta'baah: Ayat-49)

When others were also in trouble and were concerned only with their wealth and family (Allah said this about them) -

"Our wealth and our families have kept us busy, so ask forgiveness for us."

None other than those who are insignificant and insignificant, should not be concerned about these trivial matters. Because the great companions wanted Allah's mercy and would have desired his satisfaction.

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