সংকল্প সহায়তার

সংকল্প সহায়তার

সকল অসহায়দের পাশে সহায়তার আহ্বান....

Another big catch is the Myanmar army

Another big catch in the satellite is the army of Myanmar. Myanmar's Rakhine has burned down Rohingya villages one by one, the country's army and extremist Buddhists Amnesty International has released more than one satellite image. Hundreds of houses, buildings and buildings were burned to burn in these pictures. The Rohingya villages have been set fire to the scheme.
Tens of thousands of Rohingya Muslims flee to Bangladesh in the face of rape and torture, and evidence of these horrific tortures in their face. Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi denies such torture, but the head of the army's army chief General Aung Min Hei is calling the unity of the Buddhists, but the international world condemns, protest protests in the country are emerging.
At least 26 Rohingya villages have been burnt to the last three weeks. The unarmed and innocent minority Rohingya Muslims were shot dead indiscriminately. On September 15th, these pictures taken from satellite shows that homes and tall buildings, everything in the trees, has been burnt down.
At least 80 major types of fires have been identified in these pictures. The country's military operation was going on in the northern region of Rakhine on August 25th. Amnesty's researcher Olof Blumwist analyzed these satellite images, saying the Rakhine region was burning and the issue of ethnic cleansing became clear in these films.
Many survivors of Rohingya Muslims said as eyewitnesses, that petrol was used to set fire to houses. The army has thrown the shoulder carrying rocket to fire the house. The Wolf Blomewist said, how the country's government has fired arbitrators and arbitrary shootings for the minority Rohingya Muslims to leave the country, the army has raided, carried out raids, which are out of concern.
So far, at least 430,000 Rohingya Muslims have taken shelter in Bangladesh in the last 3 weeks. The head of the United Nations Human Rights Organization has said such torture and violence are equivalent to ethnic cleansing. - Streets Times / Asia News

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