সংকল্প সহায়তার

সংকল্প সহায়তার

সকল অসহায়দের পাশে সহায়তার আহ্বান....

The highest human killer in history, all who share non-Muslim, tell everyone !!!

1 - Hitler, a non-Muslim. 60 million Jews killed Media did not tell him once he was a Christian Terrorist !!!
2 - Joseph Stalin, a non-Muslim. He killed 20 million people, and 14. 5 million people have died due to illness. Media did not tell him once he was a Christian Terrorist !!!
3 - Mao Tung is a non-Muslim 14 to 20 million people have been killed! Media did not tell him once he was a Buddhist Terrorist !!!
4 - Muslani (Italy) killed 4 million people! Was he Muslim? The blind tiger did not say once!
5 - Ashoka (Kalinga betel) killed 100 thousand people! The media did not tell him once he was a Hindu terrorist !!!
6 - And Judge Bush killed 1.5 million people in Iraq, Afghanistan! The media did not say, Christian Terrorist !!!
7 - In Myanmar every day Muslim Rohingyas are killed, raped, looted, evicted! Still no Buddhist Terrorists say no media !!!
History has witnessed the biggest massacre in the world, not the Muslims, and these days raise the foam in the face of democracy! But humanity is looted by them! Questions to the intellectuals: Who were the Muslims who started World War I? B. Who was the Muslim who started World War II? C. Who killed 20 million Australian Aborigines for their dominance after the invention of Australia, were they Muslim? G. Those who had torched a nuclear bomb in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, were they Muslim? E. Those who killed 100 million Americans in North America and 50 million Red Indians in South America after the discovery of America, were they Muslim? F. Those 180 million African black people were taken to America by being slaves Those 88 percent of those who died in the sea and their bodies were thrown into the Atlantic Ocean, are they Muslim? Muslims were never involved with these terrorists and inhuman activities! When a non-Muslim does a bad job, tortures, murders, then it is called crime! And when a Muslim becomes a victim of exoneration once again he is called fundamentalism! Militant !!! Intellectuals want to say that the companions of terrorism, fundamentalism, militant's mother learn new mother again from the stomach!

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