সংকল্প সহায়তার

সংকল্প সহায়তার

সকল অসহায়দের পাশে সহায়তার আহ্বান....

Saudi Arabian Salman bin Abdul Aziz has donated Tk 4 billion for Rohingyas

Saudi Arabian Salman Bin Abdul Aziz gave a grant of Taka 4 thousand crore in Bengali money, which is $ 500 million for the oppressed Rohingya in current crisis. In addition, he requested the Bangladeshi government to open the symphony for Rohingguns and take all the arrangements for their eating medicines. The government of Saudi Arabia will bear its burden. In this respect, he ordered 50 tons of food, medicine and doctors to send.
The United Nations also raised the condemnation of the killing of Rohingya Muslims in Britain, but the Chinese condemned the condemnation proposal. He also said that the Saudi Permanent Solution is trying to solve the Rohingya problem.
What Saudi has done for Rohingyas ...

1. Saudi Arabia gives 5 lakh Rohingya access to Saudi Arabia.
2. Saudi Arabia has been helping Rohingya more than 35 years.
3. The government of Myanmar thinks that the Saudi opponents believe that Saudi 7 people have been accused of this conflict.
4. For the Rohingyas of Cox's Bazar, dozens of hospitals, mosques, and madrasas have been constructed by Rabita, a Saudi NGO named Rabeta, along with Rabeta Hospital.
5. All Rohingyas, including Rohingya Vision TV, Arakan TV, carry out promotion and activities from Saudi Arabia.
6. Many do not know that the poor Rohingyas enter Bangladesh but those rich Rohingya who did not come to Bangladesh, they went to Saudi Arabia and Malaysia. Saudi doors for Rohingyas are always open. But the Saudi administration has imposed some restrictions because of some Bangladeshi infiltrations and attempted citizenship to Saudi Arabia in the form of Rohingya.

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