Cameron is responsible for turning Libya into a failed state

It is said that the strategy to take power after the attack in Libya was taken. But this technique did not work. In the wake of the debate over the Iraqi attack, how the government formed the powerful Chilean incubator, was not the case with the investigations in Libya. Under the circumstances in Libya, the Foreign Affairs Parliamentary Committee of the United States investigates this matter, and this committee did not have the capability to verify the secret documents of government departments. Former Prime Minister David Cameron did not respond to the call to respond to his decision. On 23 June, UK-based David Cameron stepped down as PM after the United Kingdom gave its verdict for the separation of the UK from the European Union (EU). This week, he resigned from the post of MP. Cameron named history as responsible for the separation of the UK with the EU. Analysts believe that due to the attack in Libya, he will have to stand in the rigors of history.
According to the report of the parliamentary committee, the report published in the Guardian said that the deficiencies in the Chilean report on the accuracy of the attack on Iraq, the same deficiency was described as a similar deficit in Libya. It is said that Gaddafi has been supported by insurgents without being properly inquired about the rebels. And the Islamic extremists have taken the opportunity to support this support. It is said in the report that the attack was launched by speaking about the protection of Benghazi citizens. That purpose was achieved within 24 hours. But despite the continuation of the attack, it was not fair to set Gaddafi's goal to move. There was no clear plan for Gaddafi who would take the country's governor. The parliamentary committee has blamed the fact that Cameron has blamed the UK for its decision to influence the United Nations Security Council. After the fall of Gaddafi, the United Kingdom and France did not take effective measures to rebuild the country.
Chief of the Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs, Crispin Blant, said that Gaddafi could have used close relations with former British Prime Minister Tony Blair instead of attacking Libya. Blair spoke on the telephone with Gaddafi just before the attack began in Libya. Apart from this, the opportunity to negotiate through Gaddafi's son Saif Gadhafi has also been dropped from the London School of Economics in the UK. It is said in the report that the intervention of the United States, the United Kingdom and France has caused Libya to collapse politically and economically, causing conflict among extremist groups and local tribes. Created immigrant-problems Human rights are severely violated. And the spread of the Gaddafi government's arms, ammunition to the whole region has become a fertile land of Islamist militant IS throughout North Africa.
The United Kingdom's Foreign and Commonwealth Office responded in a statement, saying the intervention of Libya was a matter of international decision. The intervention of the Arab League and UN Security Council calls for intervention. The United States, France and the United States launched a series of attacks against civilians in February 2011 in protest against Muammar Gaddafi, who has been in Libya for nearly four decades.
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