সংকল্প সহায়তার

সংকল্প সহায়তার

সকল অসহায়দের পাশে সহায়তার আহ্বান....

#There are many things to learn

Image may contain: textThe text is a son of B-Baharia. I could not explain it There are two reasons why I can not.
1. Awami League's official face status is Bangabandhu as a prophet.
.2. Taking photos of Bangabandhu and performing dancing with Habiba Habiba songs at Doha Mahfilar..
Bangabandhu was good because he died. He
If you were alive today, so much
Would have been in trouble.
Such as:
1. He stopped drinking alcohol and gambling in Suhrawardy Udyan. In the army posts, the party to drink alcohol was banned. Most of the brothels in Bangladesh were closed. Today, if he did this, then I am sure, the conscious traders gave him an ISO tag, saying he was establishing the Sharia state.
2. Bangabandhu went to the OIC summit in Pakistan to maintain relations with the Muslim country, he threw his neck with the leaders of Pakistan. If he used to do this today, I am sure - conscious businessmen would have cursed him as 'Paki' 'Razakars' etc.
3. Bangabandhu established the 'Islamic Foundation' to increase Islamic activities in the country. On many Islamic days, when he came out of procession from Baitul Mukarram, he used to participate in the procession. If he did this today, I am sure the businessmen of the consciousness would give him the title of 'Chhagu'.
4. Bangabandhu always wanted separate land for Muslims. He would say, "I believe that if they do not have a separate state for the Muslims, their rights will not be established." If today Bangabandhu was there, I am sure the businessmen of consciousness would call him a communal.
5. When Bangabandhu married, the wife was of little age. If he used to do this today, the businessmen of the consciousness would have left him in jail.
6. Bangabandhu refused to keep Indian soldiers in Bangladesh. Indira Gandhi said, to return the enemy property. But he did not do that. At present, if he had opposed India's interest in this way, I am sure he could not have been able to survive in power for a day, rather the psychiatrists would have let him down from power.
7. After the Battle of Bangabandhu, atheists suppressed the masses of terrorists. History of Rakshahi Bahini is known to all of us. If he used to do this today, I am sure the intelligentsia declared him as a militant.
O lovers of Bangabandhu, if you want to show love for Bangabandhu really, O Toshodi group, then follow his principles. Against the principles of Bangabandhu, the name of Bangabandhu will be sold and will not be eaten.

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