সংকল্প সহায়তার

সংকল্প সহায়তার

সকল অসহায়দের পাশে সহায়তার আহ্বান....

'Once in a while in marriage'

‘বিয়ে জীবনে একবারই হয়’

Our marriage is often said to be proud by saying, 'Our marriage is only once in our life'. They may think it's their dignity, their casteism. Actually it is not dignity. Brunman's pagan assassination lies behind this.
This culture came from the Hindus. Earlier, the marriage of women in Hindu society was done only once. If the husband died, he would have been burnt alive with him. The practice of not remarrying widows is still available in many Hindu society. Those people who have some kind of wander in Kolkata literature know very well that this information.
In the world's greatest society-in the society of the Sahabah - the number of women who were few were married. If you do not believe you read the biography of female companions. Being married was not considered as special; There were not many marriages or anything to blame.
A social and religious agreement between two married men This will protect each other's character; Keep the trend of human production; Above all, one another will cooperate to attain the satisfaction of Allah.
Personally, both men and women in their respective positions can not be compatible with their husband and wife as well, despite being good people and good people. In that case, bridal-life can be understood in many cases; That makes them both life miserable. And if they take them to the stage of violating the laws of God, then it is better to not separate from this marriage, but to separate with respect.
All the things in the world-husband, wife, children, wealth and everything is the means of achieving Allah's satisfaction. The way those who make the path to the destination will only tire them, it will not end. If the instrument is to be targeted, then it is bound to be understood.
Being married to more than one marriage is never a matter of blame for women or men. It's a bad thing to look at it, but it's a blame. In the case of women, believing widow or divorced woman is considered to be inappropriate.
'Is there only once in a marriage?' Is not it time to come out of this pagan meditation?

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