সংকল্প সহায়তার

সংকল্প সহায়তার

সকল অসহায়দের পাশে সহায়তার আহ্বান....

Nobel prize winners investigate Fasting for non-Muslims

Throughout the world, 160 million Muslims devote themselves to Allah's Prayer. They are not behind this hostility, and do not want any wonder either. Allah Only Wants The Satisfaction Of Allah Only Believers Allaah also fulfills this love of the believers and rewards them with the reward of their lives. When Muslims are fast, it's called 'fast'. When Christians are fast, it's called 'Fixed'. If the Hindus or Buddhists remain fixed, it is called 'fasting'.If the revolutionaries stay fast, they are called "hunger strike". And fast in medical science is called 'autophysi'. But there are differences among others with the kind of fasting of Muslims.
Not too long is medical science known by car. In 2016, the Nobel Commission will offer Japanese doctors 'Oscanii ossumi' for autophysical discovery. From that moment on, the modern people began to get stuck.What is autophagy? Let's know.The word autophagy is a Greek word. Auto Finance yourself, and eat Phagy money. So, autophagy means eating yourself.No, medical science does not tell you to eat yourself. When the body cells get no food from the outside, when they eat their own diseased cells, they are called autophagy in the language of medical science. Let's say something simpler.In our house, like a trash can, or on our computer, such as a trash can, there are also trash cans in every cell of our body. Due to the fact that the body cells are very busy throughout the year, the trash can not get time to clean. As a result, a lot of garbage and dirt can be built into the cells.If the body cells do not regularly clean their dusty tubes, the cells are once inactive and produce different types of disease in the body. From this, many important conditions such as cancer or diabetes have begun.When people are in an empty stomach, the body cells are very unemployed. But they are not like us so every cell cleans its inner litter and dirt.They do not eat the garbage like us, they eat their trash themselves. This method of medical science is called autophagy.Only by discovering this, Japan took Osiani Osumi the Nobel Prize in 2016.It is well known that the prophet Osinari himself also held twice a week.

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