সংকল্প সহায়তার

সংকল্প সহায়তার

সকল অসহায়দের পাশে সহায়তার আহ্বান....

Gutter's claim to stop military operations

Rakhine fears more violence Destruction of human disaster Human rights activist access requirementsThe Secretary-General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres Photo: UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres urged the Government of Myanmar to take immediate action to resolve the Rohingya refugee crisis escaped from riotersakhain. He condemned humanitarian disasters in Myanmar on Rohingya. Gutures demanded to stop the military campaign of Myanmar in Rakhine and access human rights activists.At the UN Security Council revelation on Thursday, Antonio Guterres said that the refugee situation is in crisis. Humanitarian catastrophe happens.Gutters warned that violence against Myanmar minority Rohingya could spread people in the northern part of the Rakhin state to the center. There are more than 250,000 people who are probably homeless.In discussions of the Security Council, Guterres also said that the world has heard horror stories of women, men and children who flee Rakhine. There are serious violations of violence and human rights. People are shot, bombs are used on site and sexual violence is under way.Reuters reported that Gutters urgently needed humanitarian aid.The US Secretary of State Niki Heli has asked that Myanmar should not sell weapons until the situation of Rakhine is correct. Most of the members of the Security Council have collected the details of ethnic killings and genocide in Myanmar. However, the Myanmar delegation denies the allegation.After September 13, the situation in Rohingya is being discussed for the third time in the Security Council. Bangladesh has proposed a specific proposal against Myanmar to the Security Council to stop Rohingyas oppression. But after the open discussion, the 15th Security Council did not offer specific offers.Seven members of the Security Council on violence against Rakhine Rohingya, United States, United Kingdom, France, Sweden, Egypt, Kazakhstan and Senegal have presented the talks on September 23.The general secretary gave a detailed report of the Rohingya issue at the beginning of the Gutters session. He expressed concern about the violence and violence of the Rohingya in the media, published in Rakhine.The Permanent Representative of Bangladesh with the United Nations Masud Bin Momen was present at the Security Council meeting. He stressed the position of the Bangladesh government and spoke on the occasion. BBC, AFP and Reuters

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