সংকল্প সহায়তার

সংকল্প সহায়তার

সকল অসহায়দের পাশে সহায়তার আহ্বান....

The real incident of Hussein's death (R :), the grandson of the Prophet in the desert of Karbala...

The news reached the people of Iraq in 60 AH that Hussein (R :) did not give the hands of Yazid bin Mu'awiya. They sent him a letter that informed him that Iraqi people are interested in keeping the caliphate in his hands. Yazid also said he did not support it. They also said that Iraqis were not very happy with the people of Yazid's father, Muawiya (ra). Letters came after the letter. For example, more than 500 letters came to Hossain (RA :).
In order to verify the real state, Hussein sent his cousin to the Muslim bin Akil. The Muslim reached the disbelief. He went and found that the people actually wanted Hussein. The people began to take men from Hussein for Muslims. Hani bin Urwah was completed in the house.
When the news reached Yazid in Syria, the Governor of Basra Ubaidullah bin Ziad sent to address the situation. Yazid ordered Ubaidullah bin Ziyad to connect the Hufsin to Kufa, and forbade him to set up. He did not order to kill Hussein.
Ubaidullah reached Kufa. He began to investigate the matter and began to ask people. Eventually he was sure that the house of Hani bin Urwa was taken for Hussein. Then, Bin Akil went on with four thousand followers, and Ubaidullah bin Ziad's palace was over at noon. At this time Ubaidullah bin Ziyad gave a speech. He threatened Yazid's army. He was afraid people started running away from fear of Yazid's arrest and punishment. When the people of Kufa were afraid of Yazid, they asked to read the book by Imam Ibn Taymiyya (R :) by Minhajus Sunnah. However, only three people left at the mosque Bin Akil at one time while killing four thousand Kufa residents. After the sunset, Muslim bin Akil saw that there was not even a servant of Husain Hussein Allah. This time he was arrested. Ubaidullah bin Ziyad ordered him to be killed. Muslim Bin Akil urged Ubaidullah to send a letter to Husain. Ubaidullah agreed. The letter's brief statement was:
"Hussein! Get back to your family. Do not be afraid of the Kufa residents. Why did they lie to you? They did not even tell me the truth." Ubaydullah ordered the killing of Muslim at Arafa day on 9th day of Dhul Hajj. It is very important to remember that the Muslims sent letters to Hussein to arrive based on the lover of Kufa's earlier. Based on this letter, Hussein (RA :) set off from Mecca to Kufa on the 8th of Dhulhajj. Many disciples forbade him to leave. Among them, the names of Abdullah Ibn Abbas, Abdullah Ibn Umar, Abdullah Ibn Zubair, Abdullah bin Amr and his brother Muhammad Ibn al Hanafiiah are notable in particular.
Ibn Umar pointed out to Hussein: Hussein! I will hear you a hate. Jibril came upon the Prophet to give freedom to accept any one from the world and the Hereafter. He chose the next life except the world. And you are his part. By Allah! None of you will be able to get the world's wealth. Allah has kept you away from the pleasures of this world because of your good. Hussein refused his offer and refused to break the journey. Then Ibn Umar embraced Hussein and sent him away and cried.
Sufyan chauri Ibn Abbas narrated in Sahih sources that Ibn Abbas said to Hussein: If I had no fear of blaming, I would have kept you from my neck.
Abdullah ibn Zubair (ra) told Hussein while going out: Hussain! Where to go? To those people who killed your father and killed your brother?
Abdullah ibn Amr (RA :) says: Hussein is firmly moving towards the decision of his decision. By Allah! If I was present at his departure, he would never let him go. Men hvis jeg slog mig ved hjelp av force, it is different. (Yeh-ibn ibn Maine Saheeh said in the form)
On the journey, the Muslim letter came to Hussein. Knowing the letter, he left the path of disbelief and proceeded towards Syria to go to Yazid. On the way, Yazid's troops led a hussain in the desert of Karbala under the leadership of Amr bin Saad, Seema Bin Zul Jawashan and Husain bin Tammim. Hussein came there and urged for the sake of Allah and reminded Islam or accepting any proposal of three proposals.
Hussein bin Ali (RA :) and the Prophet's grandson may go to Yazid's court. He will go there and take bait for Yazid. Why did not he know that Yazid did not want to kill him? Or let him go back to Madina. Or let him go to the border of an Islamic region. There he will live to death and work to guard the borders of the state. (Told by Ibn Jarir Hasan Sanad)
Yazid's troops did not agree with any proposal. They said: We do not agree with any other proposal than what Ubaydullah bin Ziyad decides. Ubaidullah's Commander (Hur bin Yazid) said: Do not you agree with the proposal that they offer you? By Allah! If the people of Turkey and Dahlam's people had brought this prayer to you, it would not have been legal to return you. Even then, they were determined to implement Ubaidullah's decision. The commander went there with a horse and went to Hussein and his companions. Hussein's friends thought he would fight them. He went to him and greeted him. Then they returned and fought with Ubaidullah's soldiers and killed them. Then he was also killed. (Told by Ibn Jarir Hasan Sanad)
In the direction of the number of soldiers there was a big gap between Hussein's companions and Yazid's soldiers. For Hussein all his companions fought with bravery and were killed. At last, no one survived except him. He was brave hero like a lion. But it was not possible to survive in the field against the majority of the population. The killer of Kufa, every soldier, wanted to kill Hussein. So his hand was not stained in the blood of the grandson of the messenger. Eventually one of the worst is ready to kill Hussein. His name was Seema Bin Dhul Jawashan. He hit Hussein's body with a spear and hit him. Later, in the combined attack of the Yazid troops, he was fortunate to earn martyrdom.
It is said that this border has separated the body of Hussein from the body. Someone says: A person called Sinan Bin Anas and Nakhai isolates his body's head. Allah knows best.

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