সংকল্প সহায়তার

সংকল্প সহায়তার

সকল অসহায়দের পাশে সহায়তার আহ্বান....

Myanmar's economy in the face of the big catastrophe, withdrawing international companies

In view of the international criticism and pressure on the Rohingya problem, the Rakhine state, full of natural resources, will face the crisis of the Myanmar economy. After the end of the military government, the government is expecting huge foreign investment in the country. But due to the Rakhine Rohingya crisis, some Western companies have delayed or decided to assess their investment. The crisis has been created in the country's tourist industry. Apart from the state government of Rakhine and the central government, there has been a lot of tension in the big projects.
Last week, the United Nations and the United States demonstrated a strong position against Myanmar in the Rohingya crisis. In the United Nations Security Council meeting, the Secretary General of the Company called Rakhine to stop the operation immediately. The United States has asked for arms embargo against Myanmar. Earlier, regional and ASEAN countries have agreed to 'stop running violence' now. The members of the organization have also agreed that it is necessary to provide humanitarian aid to the people of the affected communities. The United Kingdom has canceled its military training. Maldives tied economic ties with Myanmar
According to a Reuters report, the British press office Myanmar has hoped for a huge international investment after the alleged democratic government came to power. The importance of investment in foreign companies was also seen. However, due to the hard human rights situation in the Rakhine state, many investors have withdrawn. These international companies are afraid to be disappointed when investing in Myanmar.
According to Reuters reports, these foreign companies include the American Food and Beverage Company, the multinational fire extinguisher company Chevron and the Norwegian telecommunications company Telenor Telenor.
Bernad Langley, head of the European Parliament Committee on International Trade, said last week that his delegation had postponed a visit to Myanmar indefinitely. Because, due to the current human rights situation, a fruitful discussion of the possible EU-Myanmar investment treaty can not be discussed.
Myanmar Tourism Federation Vice-President Khin Aung Tune told Reuters: "The international companies wanting to hold a conference in Myanmar are now thinking about changing the place.
In the press of the Suu Kyi government, the Myanmar Times said in a report that, despite the significant geographical jurisdiction, the important Rakhine for the country's economy is important. In addition to the famous Nagapali beach, there are several oil and natural gas in Rakhine. There is also a large number of marine resources in the bay of Bengal.
The report of the Myanmar Times states that Rakhine's economy is facing crisis and obstruction, after the last violence, the government information service has not provided the right information to the international community.
MP U Wo dan Naing of Yatetong city Rakhine said that on September 19 Suu Kyi revealed wrong information, but the continuing pressure of the international community continued.
The economic columnist Yu Khin Maung Neo of Myanmar has expressed concern that foreign investors can worry about the stability of the region through the international pressure on Rakhine's violence. That could disrupt Rakhine's economic prosperity.
Rakhain Fisheries Department Director Nayantoth Y Maung said, due to regional conflicts, the factories of marine food products in Maungdaw region have been affected. After the conflict, production began to decline.
The Myanmar Times reported on September 22 that the country's tourism industry is threatened. Many tourist companies have canceled their planned tour and hotel reservation by the Rohingya crisis.
Union of Myanmar Travel Association President Yu Dat said the number of tourist books in Nagapali and Mrau increased much.
According to hotel organizations of Yangon, Nagapali Beach and Garden Region, there are very few hotels to book at the same time this year compared to last year. The Chairman of the Myanmar Tourism Marketing Committee and the President of the Rome City Hotel Doy Miyat Man Win said, "The booking rate has now decreased."
A report of the country's Khin Maung Neo economy has been published in Myanmar's global New Light of Myanmar. The report entitled 'Rakhine Crisis and Myanmar Economy' has said that, based on false news, investors' decision will be absolutely wrong. Foreign investment is essential for the development of Myanmar. Myanmar tries to work with the international community. The international community should welcome and recognize it. Why would she gel the false, manufactured news?
It can be mentioned that in response to the attack on August 30 by the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (Aresa) police officers, Myanmar, reinforced the military operation in Rakhine. In the face of the military expedition more than 500,000 Rohingya flew to Bangladesh. Myanmar Rohingya killed army, the charges of torture and burning villages. The United Nations has described as the military operation of the Rohingya ethnic cleansing. Crimes against humanity are committed, according to various human rights organizations in Rakhine.

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