সংকল্প সহায়তার

সংকল্প সহায়তার

সকল অসহায়দের পাশে সহায়তার আহ্বান....

Know that for the 10 reasons the sacred Ashura in Islam is so important

Today is 10 Moharam, Holy Ashura. The first month of the Islamic calendar is Moharram. In Islamic terminology, the Arabic calendar is the first month of the month of the month Ashrama 10. This day, together with the Muslim Ummah, is profoundly significant and painful in religious terms.

On the 10th of Muharram Ashura day or the next important events take place, in short, they are:

1. On this day, Allah created the earth. And the resurrection will take place on this day.

II. On this day Hazrat came to Adam (AS) from heaven to the world.


4. After 40 days thrown into the glow of Nimruda, 10 Muharram was released from there.

5. Hazrat Ayub (A), after suffering from 18 years of serious illness, on this day of his life he got his recovery.

6. Hazrat Jacob (ii.) - son of Hazrat Yusuf (peace with him) fell into the pit, and his 11 brothers collapsed with the help of the trader group went to Egypt. Then he became the prime minister of Egypt in the special power of Allah. 40 years later, 10 of his parents met with father.

7. He was released from the belly of the fish 40 days after the grace of Allah 10 on the date of Muharram.

8. Hazrat Musa (A) left elsewhere because of his persecution of Pharaoh. On the way he was rescued from Pharaoh's hands on the Ashura on the Nile. Pharaoh drowned in the waters of the Nile with his tribe.

9. When the people of Jesus (AS) tried to kill him, 10 of Muharram, Allah Pak, lifted by him and him in heaven was released.

10. Karbala's tragedy was expected on March 10th. Imam Hossein tortured Karbala in the wilderness and protested against injustice.

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